About Us

Trikaal Capital offers investment educational courses. It is based in Raipur, Chhattisgarh.

Rajesh Sharma

Rajesh Sharma

Rajesh is the founder of Trikaal Capital, he started it in 2018. He has more than two decades of experience in fund management, global investment research, trading, algorithm development, arbitrage, hedging. He has researched and traded in equities, debt, commodities, and currencies. His job experience includes working as Chief Investment Officer of Escorts Asset Management Company (later acquired by Quant Mutual Fund). He is an engineer and a post graduate in management (1992) from Indian Institute of Management, Ahmedabad, India.

Major achievements

His use of algorithms coupled with macro-economic research enabled him to forecast the following major turning points –

  1. Covid crisis (Feb 2020): He correctly anticipated a serious downfall in stock markets
  2. Covid Recovery (Sep, 2020): He correctly predicted a strong market rally
  3. Inflation Super Cycle (Sep, 2021): When most experts were saying inflation is transitory, he predicted a long-lasting inflation, which is still the biggest global risk
  4. Bull run (Apr, 2023): When media was all bearish and there were recession warnings by many experts, he correctly predicted that stocks may rise further from here.

All forecasts were posted on social media as well as our blog. Links are available at – www.trikaalcapital.com.

Author of a weekly LinkedIn newsletter Trikaal Macros, on global capital markets

Trikaal Macros, is a free weekly newsletter published on LinkedIn. This newsletter is subscribed by global thought leaders, CEOs, investors, and business strategists. It provides a commentary on the most crucial global factors affecting the capital markets. Link for free subscription.

Biggest Recession
Author of the ebook ‘Biggest Recession is Coming’, available on Amazon.

It may sound strange to many people, but the fact is that the world’s largest economy and strongest military power is almost like a house of cards now! It is a balloon which is about to go burst, and will affect every country just like the 2008 recession. This ebook explains it all in simple manner with concrete data. Every long-term investor must be aware of this looming risk. Link to ‘Biggest Recession is Coming‘ on Amazon.

Click here to see his profile on LinkedIn.

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