Hedging Plan

Hedging Plan – for Stable Monthly Returns

Key Attractions

  • The strategy used by us can give positive returns on monthly basis, returns are better than long term average equity returns.
  • Returns are not dependent on market direction
  • Highly liquid plan

Minimum investment: Rs 10 lakhs

Strategy: Market Neutral Options

Why Invest in this Plan:

  1. Higher Returns: Long term equity returns are about 12-13% per year (see Annexure – 1), compared to that you get better returns and that too irrespective of market trends.
  2. High Liquidity: Equity returns mostly require long term investments, at least greater than one year. But this Hedging Plan gives you monthly returns. You may withdraw all your fund anytime without ANY noticeable impact on your profits.
  3. Stable Returns: Compared to equity returns, Hedging Plan gives more stable returns. It will help you in your financial planning. Also, equities may not perform so well in future as global risks are rising to unprecedented levels (read more here).
  4. Loss Protection: Hedging Plan uses market-neutral strategies for very short-term trades, that limits any foreseeable loss. Till now, we have closed all trades in profit.
  5. Risk Management: You may also consider investing in Hedging Plan as asset diversification. Diversification is necessary to manage risk from being overly concentrated in a specific type of asset (like equity or say gold).
  6. Peace of Mind: Your profits are not dependent on markets! Even if markets enter a bear phase we can make profits. Returns are stable, funds are not blocked, we do not worry about recession, and loss protection is strong. Because of these multiple benefits, a big part of global smart money gets invested in hedge funds (see Annexure – 2 below).

How it works:

In this plan we do not invest in any stocks, only in index options. We short options, means we sell first at higher price (known as premium) and buy later at lower price. We simultaneous sell a call option and a put option (short strangle strategy). If the market rises, value of put falls and value of call rises, and vice-versa. So, during a day, there is very minor change in total premium received. But, as days pass, both call and put options lose some value which is known as time value. This time value is always in our favor, and when the price of Nifty does not change considerably, this strategy allow investors to benefit. Loss may occur if there is a sharp movement in any one direction for several days. Our expertise is in identifying the right entry/exit time and managing the adverse conditions profitably.

How to avail this service

We will provide all the calls on our Telegram channel. We will send you the channel link by WhatsApp after confirmation of payment. You can visit the channel to see all the previous actual calls and the profits made every month. Recommendations are based on our algorithm. 15 Days FREE trial.

Join for 15 days FREE trial –

Click here to send a WhatsApp message for FREE TRIAL.

If you do not have time to trade yourself, please let us know (in the WhatsApp message link above).

Annexure – 1

Nifty 50 CAGR 10 Years

YearNifty 50 CAGR 10 Years

Annexure – 2

Smart money always follows the safer path. The primary investors in hedge funds are institutional investors. These are professional investors who manage large amounts of money. These investors work for pension funds for corporations, government workers, and labor unions. And they also manage sovereign wealth funds for entire countries, and cash assets of insurance companies, other corporations, and trusts.

68% of institutional investors allocated their assets to hedge funds in 2020. These institutional investors include:

  1. Public employee pension plans
  2. Corporate employee pension plans
  3. University and college endowments
  4. Foundations and other non-profit organizations

Hedge Fund Industry has USD 4.74 trillion assets under management in 2024.

Source: Preqin Global Hedge Fund Report

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