Grievance Report

Sugam Kumar Kashyap, SEBI Registered Research Analyst, Registration No.: INH000011325

Investor Complaints Report

SNReceived fromPending at the end of last monthReceivedResolvedTotal pendingPending complaints > 3 monthAverage resolution time (in days)
1Directly from investors000000
2SEBI (SCORES)000000
3Other sources000000
Grand Total000000

Trend of monthly disposal of complaints (Yearly trend – Rolling Month Basis)

S.No.MonthCarried forward from previous monthReceivedResolvedPending
1Feb 20230000
2Mar 20230000
3Apr 20230000
4May 20230000
5Jun 20230000
6Jul 20230000
7Aug 20230000
8Sep 20230000
9Oct 20230000
10Nov 20230000
11Dec 20230000

Trend of annual disposal of complaints

S.No.YearCarried forward from previous yearReceived during the yearResolved during the yearPending during the year
Grand Total0000
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